Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I have decided to write a children's book. My goal is that in one year I will have a contract with an editor to publish one of my books. As this process actually started about one month ago I will take you back to that time.

I have thought about writing a children's book for some time but it has never been anything more than that - a thought. Then one day my daughter inspired me with an idea for a great story. At about that same time a girl from my home town published her first book and if she could publish a book maybe I could too. So I bought her book and in the back she thanked the LDSstorymakers for helping her. On their website I found out that they were having their annual conference in just 3 weeks. It was now or never time.
Just days before leaving for the conference I watched Julie and Julia. For those of you who aspire to do something more you need to watch this movie. Now I was ready to take on the world, or the writing industry at least. With my notebook in hand I entered the conference room for the LDSstorymakers and soon realized I had no idea what I was doing. I was the little fish in a big pond, except the pond felt more like an ocean. I'm sure there were others there that were first timers like myself but sitting in that large room I felt like I was the only one. I immediately become overwhelmed and started wondering what in the world I was thinking. My spirits were boosted a little though out the day but in my last class they were dashed again. The teacher was telling us how truly difficult it is to publish a children's book. I wanted to give up and I had just started. I avoided my computer for the next two days. On the third day my mind was overflowing with ideas and I just had to write them down if only to make my brain stop. But the ideas kept coming and I kept writing.
So here we are a few weeks later. I still have good days and bad. Some days I research all that has to be done to submit a manuscript and I think, "is this really worth it?" Other days I have so much fun and can't stop writing.
Today is a good day as I start this blog. I will not post everyday as a faithful blogger and writer should do, Rule #1 - write everyday. I have 3 small children and the task of writing everyday and taking care of my children, husband, and house becomes almost impossible. But I will do my best and enjoy the ride.

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